If your local postman knows how to find you? We will send ‘Artwork’ anywhere you want us to!
The Shipping Details; We use Postal Services and have 3 Zones with flat rate pricing for sending the artwork around the globe to your doorstep.
- Zone 1: Netherlands € 7,50
- Zone 2: Europe € 15,-
- Zone 3: World € 30,-
Once you placed an Order and Payment has been received: the Packing Procedure will start. Something that is straightforward and simply too dull to write in words, so here are some pictures on how we take care of your newly Acquired~Artwork.
- Picking Artwork
Your humble narrator is a meticulous organizer and archivist, so your artwork is guaranteed in stock when you place your order. - Personalize Artwork
The main feature of this Gallery is that you can ‘own’ your favorite StarArena® game-card Art.
As appreciation for supporting further Game-Development we ‘Personalize’ the ‘Original Artwork’ to the first ‘Owner’ of the Card Art. *If the Customer is also the Owner, we use the prefix: BY.
Another option is giving the Card Art as a Gift. For example a Father to his Child, or the Coolest Aunt ever, looking for the Ultimate Birthday present! *If the Customer is NOT the Owner and Gifts it to someone else, we use the prefix: FOR.*
Lastly, if you are a Reseller? We acknowledge your support as first owner and are grateful that you think you can make an extra buck on us. *Please state ‘Company’ as name. - Packing Artwork
Envelope & Label; We ensure the Artwork is safely guarded for travel and will reuse materials if convenient for sender.
*Waste not, want not… - Posting Artwork
A quick ride on the bike down the village to the ‘Drop Of Point’ and; …Send-It!! - Receive Track & Trace code
When the package is ‘Scanned; You can follow the journey of your Artwork online ...or just wait for it to Arrive!

The last slide is ‘Archaic; For who uses Ye Olde Mailbox these days? But the principle remains the same:
Once I let the package go; It is ‘Out Of My Hands!’ …And we have to Trust the System.
(*Note: Use The ‘Order Notes Box’ at check-out or contact me for specific wishes. )